In the realm known as the Kitchen Verse, our protagonist Kettlehead embarks on a journey to create the ultimate food creatures for his mother. However, his mother hides dark secrets from him and Kettlehead might be at the heart of an insidious plot. Fight Food Devils, create Food Monsters and save the Kitchen Verse.
The player will enter the various realms of the kitchen verse and will be tasked with collecting specific food-devils for Mother Kettle. Once the player has collected all the food devils, he must destroy the remaining food creatures. Once each level is cleared, a food monster will be created which will help the player in their journey to save the Kitchen Verse.
Project Period: 6 months, Fall 2021- Spring 2022
Project Role: Associate Designer, Art Lead, UI Designer
As an associate designer and art lead of the team, I was tasked to create the art assets as well as animation required for the game, such as main character, cutscenes, environment & UI. I also took part in the design and ideation process and help out with coding half of the project's prototype in Unity (C#). For the functionality of the team, I also helped to create required documentations needed.
Work Process
Start ideating on ideas, crafting out necessary base mechanics, sub-mechanics, narrative plot, and user personas/target audience. Once the idea is settled and everyone is on the same page, we started on work tasks, crafting game loops, draft level design, draft gameplay outlook, drafting characters and enemies, and start on prototyping phrases (Unity C#).
The design process was never easy, as I find myself not being satisfied enough with the ideas constantly, causing us to change around the theme and mechanics along the way as we discuss and critiqued as a group. The very initial idea that we had changed as we prototype, playtest, and gather feedback from instructors, team members, classmates & target audience.
Since this project requires the programmers to craft their engine from scratch, we as designers will have to visualise how we want the engine to be like, how it can be used, the functions that we want etc. Basically everything from the start till end are done by the entire team.
As the associate designer and art lead, the tasks handed down to me were all very diversified. From this experience, I find myself pushing past my limits, learning and picking up skills I never thought I would, such as creating animations for the main character, drawing cutscenes, and coming up with ideas, workflows, prototypes etc. All of these were new first hand experience that was eye-opening, especially because we worked with cross-disciplinary members where we have to get everyone on the same page.